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Sunday, 27 June 2010

The Next Bing Thing

Image representing Bing as depicted in CrunchBase
Traditionalists amongst us tend to stick with Google search and I am one of these folks.  However Bing is most definitely on the up;  it already powers Facebook's search and will shortly do the same for Yahoo search.

Secondly Bing has had a spring renewal of interface design which is a lot more appealing and easier to navigate with the Quick Tabs feature.

Brian MacDonald, the Corporate Vice President of Bing  indicated that they had decided to invest in the entertainment area, based on the findings of user research.

Music, gaming TV and movies have extensive offerings and a new portal for those who want to go direct.  There are currently  5 million free plays in the music offering.

The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization (Theory in Practice)Yusuf Mehdi, Bing's Senior Vice President explains: "As the content on the web has exploded, it has become difficult to navigate and find what you are looking for. In the field of entertainment, 76 percent of people use search to help find and navigate their entertainment options online, but only 10 percent say they have a trusted place to go.

So we see a great opportunity to help customers make important entertainment decisions -- from deciding what movie to buy or see, which TV shows to watch online or on your TV, what music to listen to, how to find and safely play your favorite casual games – Bing is making a first step today to help make entertainment on the web easy and fun, so you spend less time searching for entertainment and more time doing the stuff you love."

The business application of Bing is of greater interest and they have beefed up  investment profiling.  The much vaunted finance portal which is meant to be at this URL is currently redirecting to the search engine front page which suggests that all is not well?

Bing General Manager Derrick Connell discusses the latest changes made to Bing's design and experience in this video.

I gave Bing  a try when it was first launched and stopped using it shortly after.  On the strength of these improvements I am willing to give it a second chance.
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