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Simon Beardow - Deputy Director, British Council, Vietnam

Friday, 24 September 2010

Coming Soon - Realtime Analytics For Twitter

Twitter has announced that they will be releasing an analytics package in the fourth quarter of this year.

This is good news as measuring the power of the 'tweet' is an inexact science at best.

Reportedly the focus will be on twitter stream activity, as there are already excellent tools such as Klout and Twitalyzer to measure the general performance of any given account.

WebTrends says that the product will leverage algorithms similar to the Twitter Resonance concept in order to show users which tweets are spreading, who is influential in their network, and more.

The emphasis is on real time in order to help users make adjustments on the fly to their tactics.
It is being created by the team Twitter acquired in June, which created Trendly.

Twitter had previously identified analytics as a potential revenue stream so it is both surprising and pleasing to see that they will be rolling this out as a free service.

Possibly they will offer a more comprehensive and paying service for businesses in the future?

For marketers who have thus far found it difficult to justify time and budget spent on Twitter marketing this development is very good news indeed.
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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Future Thought

This certainly makes reading a newspaper while brushing teeth an obsolete activity!

According to The Astonishing Tribe in Sweden, capacitive screens has now become a commodity for touch screen devices. Screen technology is now taking the next leap and in the coming years, imagination ( or lack thereof) is the only thing that will hinder progress.

The company believes that we will soon have dual screens, malleable screens, screens built into wifi connected mirrors, desks or backside of gadgets clothed with e-ink screens, tactile feedback, color screens with great contrast in sunlight, holographics/stereoscopic screens, color e-ink touch screens, or screens actually knowing where they are in relation to other screens thanks to ultrasonic emitters and microphones.
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