You've left us really enthused about the whole digital dimension and we're looking forward to developing our plan with your support. Simon Beardow - Deputy Director, British Council, Vietnam
The Nielsen’s Consumer 360 conference revealed some interesting trends and oppportunities. One presentation of particular interest was that given by Consumer Insights' Hany Mwafy and James Russo (video below).
The digital centre of gravity (as they expressed it) is moving more towards emerging economies and away from the traditional hubs of Europe and the USA.
Growth and profit will happen in countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, often referred to as the BRIC grouping. It is estimated that by 2014 growth in BRIC will be 61.3% from 2008 baseline. This needs to be compared with the G7 (U.S., U.K, France, Italy, Germany, Canada and Japan) projected growth of just 12.8%.
Some trends to watch:
By 2030, the developing world’s middle class will be larger than the total populations of Europe, Japan and the United States combined.
The female economy.Women now control almost $12 trillion of the $18 trillion in global consumer spending.
Mobile phones are bringing the Internet to previously unconnected consumers.
Average daily TV viewing worldwide in 2009 was a record 192 minutes
The Middle East, in particular, is experiencing phenomenal growth and Egypt’s middle class is growing and is increasingly connected
Fifty-eight-million Egyptians are mobile subscribers
And while we are at it, let's not forget the CIVETS as other pundits are already predicting that Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa will take over as the new BRICs.
Micro Payment Systems can revolutionise business in developing countries and is doing so according to an early report from InfoDev that provided an assessment of mobile-enabled financial services in the Philippines.
Their crystal ball gazing in 2006 has turned out to be a very accurate prediction.
Cash is king in the rural hinterlands of most developing countries but this is a far from secure arrangement. According to the report 3.5 million people in the Philippines were then using a service that allowed them to transfer money over the two major mobile networks.
The ability to make remote payments in this fashion is a win-win for the consumer, the operator and the retailer.
In 2010 major credit card companies such as Mastercard have opened their API to App. developers and companies such as Paypal are keen to remind everyone that they remain very much in the game. PayPalX has already been integrated into many applications and they have recently turned their attemtion to the possibilities of Google's Android.
Twitpay uses the power of micro blogging to make a micro payment and is also intregated with Paypal.
Another big mover in the micropayment market is Boku which does away with the need for any form of plastic card. They claim a 60% conversion rate as opposed to 7% using traditional credit cards on line.
Four key things to consider when selecting a provider:
who understands the current digital climate best and is adapting their product to meet the market?
who has the lowest fees? - per transaction, hidden costs?
which system provides the easiest integration with your current operation?
who has a proven track record and longevity? (there have been many micropayment providers that have failed in the past so my advice is to stick to the tried and true)
Most of the past debate around micro payments has been in paying for content in publications, with Mr Murdoch (not surprising) being a staunch advocate. The debate will rage until the case is commercially proven, either way.
The fact remains that people are prepared to make micro payments for the services that interest them and there is also an opportunity to capitalise upon impulse buying.
Based in Hong Kong, this association produces one of the most valuable marketing resources in the Asia Pacific Region.Its annual yearbook contains a wealth of information . See the Boxnet file share at the bottom of this blog site to get a copy.
Some salient statistics to consider when developing your digital marketing strategy:
Asia Pacific internet uses spent more than 5.6 trillion minute online in 2009
They bought an estimated $US7 billion dollars in virtual goods
The influence of online friends when making a purchasing decision is notable
Mobile shopping is undertaken by 80% of mobile users
Australians spend more time on social networking sites than anyone else in the world
The Asia Pacific region is home to the largest and fastest growing internet population in the world with 764 million users at the beginning of this year, compared to 995 million for the rest of the world combined.
Search is an increasingly popular activity with the volume of searches rising 31% over the previous year.
Half of the top twenty sites in the Asia Pacific region are based in China.
Comscore's Data Passport for the first half of 2010 also supports these findings and the usage type varies quite markedly by region - charts below
Dan Zarrella, social media and viral marketing scientist and author explains what drives people to share information and opinions online. He details scientifically proven best practices for spreading content virally using social media.
Basic human evolutionary principles put our social media practiced into context. For example, "social proof" and following others are powerful motivators.
Rumours spread in an information void, so when information does exist it is very valuable. One of Dan's key suggestions is that you ensure voids don't develop around your brand. But if there is a void and you can fill it with your information you become the definitive source and this is a powerful position to be in.
"Combined relevance" is another concept that can drive viral success. Combining "zombies" with "marketing" may seem a little weird but see how it worked for Dan.