Even more surprising is the revelation that they rank it ahead of the car and the camera.
It is pleasing to note that the 4,000 respondents did rank the invention of the internet higher, at number four.
Without the internet the iPhone would be as useful as a food processor before the invention of electricity.
I will be upfront and reveal that I do not own an iPhone; which is an almost sacrilegious confession in gadget - happy Singapore. This excludes me from lunch time discussions on the most exciting App. of the day. Not that I find this overly worrying as to be truthful only a few of these are used on a regular basis.
3G Phones (and now 4G) are tangible evidence of the convergence of technology. The iPhone is one of Apple's most profitable inventions with more than 42 million units sold in the first launch in 1997.
The survey also reveals that spectacles rank in the top twenty of all time inventions. This too is hardly surprising as staring at a small hand held screen all day will guarantee the need for this body adornment. My prediction is that t
Here then is the full list of the Top 20 Greatest Inventions:
- Wheel
- Aeroplane
- Light bulb
- Internet
- PCs
- Telephone
- Penicillin
- iPhone
- Flushing toilet
- Combustion engine
- Contraceptive pill
- Washing machine
- Central heating
- Fridge
- Pain killers
- Steam engine
- Freezer
- Camera
- Cars
- Spectacles
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