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Saturday 16 July 2011

Which Country Asks For Data On Google Users The Most?

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In the second half of 2010 Google received 14,201 user data requests and it complied with 76% of these. Such requests normally relate to criminal investigations.  This was nearly a 6% increase on similar requests for the first half of 2010.

It comes as no surprise to note that the US Government easily topped the list (4,601 requests) and Google obliged by releasing all or some of this information, almost without exception (94% of the time).

The statistics demonstrate that a country such as Singapore, often touted as amongst the most controlling in terms of media, made far fewer requests (118 data requests of which 88% were complied with).

Click Here to see the Google Data Map
Brazil, India and the UK also made in excess of 1,000 user data requests during the latter half of 2010.

Google also receives requests from governments, the courts and law enforcement to remove content and this is detailed in the Transparency Report.

Brazil figured highly largely due to a Fall election period which saw the number of court orders issued from electoral courts rise, ordering removal of content related to political campaigns.

In addition, one court ordered removal of more than 11,500 photos from Picasa. The lawsuit alleged that the photos contained images of pages from copyrighted books.

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